One rainy rainy day, the air was really cold and all i wanted to do was wrap myself up with a woolen blanky and cuddle my jack russell Josh. Thank goodness it was a Saturday and so i didn't have to go to work. I looked outside and the window sill had beautiful droplets of rain . I just had to take a picture. Then sitting by the window the occasional gust of wind carrying tiny droplets would glide across my face. It reminded me of winter in Australia and ironically it is winter now down under.
Now i naturally don't like hot drinks. Don't fancy coffee (even if it was cold), tea, milo, horlicks and the list goes on. But on a really cold day, i wouldn't mind the warmth of a cup of Hot Chocolate with tiny marshmallows. This then reminds me of my younger more naive days when mom would use cocoa in her recipes and it smelled oh so good. Good enough to make you put a teaspoon of powder in your mouth and then behold the smoke of brown powder that comes out with some gagging noises and a cringing face. Yup freakin cocoa powder doesn't taste like it smells. Sigh a lesson every child learns the hard way.

Well this greedy gal had two cups. I haven't tried making hot chocolate with cocoa powder yet. I just do it the most straight forward way i know and that is one cup of milk to a handful of chocolate (real chocolate and not drinking chocolate powder) Whisk away as the white liquid turns a soothing brown and pour into a lovely mug , Collin's glass or i prefer it in an old-fashioned glass. My first cup was with marshmallows. The marshies were too big and i had to submerge them in the hot liquid with my fingers every now and then to properly melt them. Note to self: To get tiny marshmallows or the cut the bigger ones into tiny pieces. My second cup (i had it only because i remembered we had whipped cream in the fridge) was with whipped cream. I liked em both. No favourites yet.
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